Priority Task Manager

A task manager built using JavaScript and Priority Queues

Task List

Languages/Technologies: Javascript, Firebase

Users can log in using their Google ID, and keep track of tasks that they have to complete. Give each task properties such as time it will take, difficulty and due date and sort through your tasks based on the property selected.

This was one of my first ever projects! It is kind of lame looking back on it but I want to show it just to show what a first project is like. It somehow got me my Amazon internship… Amazing. Anyways, the idea behind this was to create a simple project with the knowledge I got from taking my first software engineering course. I also was in the middle of taking a data structures and algorithms course and just learned about heaps/priotiy queues. I wanted to implement something simple but had a little twist and so I followed a tutorial on youtube, changed a few things and incorporated a different way to sort your tasks. I also used Google’s firebase as a database to store everything.

Play with it here

Adding a task