
A mobile web application to make community gardening easier with React Native and an Arduino. App

Languages/Technologies: React, Firebase, Microsoft Weather API

A mobile web application to make community gardening easier. Join a community garden and keep track your crops and plants. Using the Microsoft Weather API and our Arduino sensor that detects soil moisture, an algorithm determines if a plant needs to be watered along with other tasks and reminders.

Story: This was my first hackathon event (XDHacks) with a couple friends. I was a beginner at hackathons and programming, and really struggled early on. The theme we worked on was sustainability. I was in charge with setting up the backend, which was just a NoSQL firebase database where we read data and inserted data. It was a really eye-opening experience to me and was a lot of fun even though I started feeling awful at the 18th hour mark. From this experience, I realized I had a lot more to learn about programming than just theory.