
Updating my NBA Project

Some updates I did to my NBA project

Website In Action

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If you haven’t seen my other blog post, make sure to read it first.

In the past summer, when I was happy with my project, I decided to host it on heroku and github pages and leave it be until the season started. Once the pre-season started, I noticed a major problem: the boxscores did not update until the game finished. During the game, all the values would be null, making this website incredibly useless.

I knew this was something I needed to fix, but I held it off until after my Microsoft Garage interview. To prepare for my Microsoft interview, I did a few Leetcode questions and prepared a quick powerpoint for my 10 minute presentation. During one of the three interviews I had, one of the interviewers asked me to talk about a project for the entire interview (45 min).

My best project was this one so I talked about it as much as I could. In this interview, I found out that many aspects of my project could have been done much better:

  • constantly calling the NBA API endpoint with different proxies is a Denial of Service attack (which is pretty rude by me)
  • making requests with different proxies is unsafe
  • I could probably find a better API endpoint, which would make things safer and then I would not have to use the proxy rotator
  • my React components could be refactored to be more object-oriented and easier to read

After my interview, I was pretty defeated because I didn’t think it went so well because almost everything I implemented/designed was questioned, but nevertheless I saw it as a learning opportunity to make something better.

So I got home and started improving it. Here is what has changed:

  • designed new components and the table based off the NBA website instead of using
  • displays ALL games for a given day, regardless if it has started, finished or in-progress
  • displays time left for games in-progress
  • added photos for players in table
  • added ability to sort columns
  • hosting on heroku for free now instead of ($5) pythonanywhere, now that I don’t have to wait a long time for requests
  • removal of proxy rotator, and MongoDB because new endpoint is updated in real-time and is very accessible
  • found a new NBA endpoint that gives realtime data
  • other things that I can’t remember

Things I still may add:

  • sorting games
  • mobile version

Click here to see it!