
Covid Update

What I've been up to for the past year

A lot has happened since my last blog post. I have been neglecting making posts… but maybe this will be the start of them coming up again.

After my Amazon internship, I had an internship at Splunk on the machine learning team. Cool thing about this was that I got a return offer to go the San Fransisco office which I was super excited about. With those two internships and some decent personal projects, I got an internship in the Microsoft Garage program. In the middle of that internship, covid-19 got real serious and we started working from home. You can check out the project I worked on here. Due to covid-19, my internship at Splunk was also remote. You can read about what I did on those internships in my resume.

I also had the opportunity to work on some more cool personal projects. I realized that I enjoy coding in Python and can whip up things real quick so most of my personal projects gravatate to using Python. You can see more of those on my GitHub.

I was looking forward to having a summer 2021 internship outside of Vancouver but that does not look likely either now. I really wanted to try out living on my own and see whether to stay local after graduation or move somewhere else. Depending on many factors, I may try to get an internship in the Fall.

Also, I decided to revamp the website and give it a better look. This time I used Hugo instead of Jekyll, plus I have a lot more software engineering skills since then so it was much easier to get up and running and make some customizations that I wanted.